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[REBOL] Re: Community (was IOS).

From: brett:codeconscious at: 22-Mar-2002 10:27

Hi Gregg, Nice demo. I was chuffed to see vid-notes mentioned too :^) I just want to draw out of your example that you can start View using a command line switch to specify a specific script. So one does not need View/Pro to start a specific script as long as you have something that can call other programs. The other thing is I'd like to help ensure the example works on various of installations. So I modified it to use path-thru and urls. Modified script below. Regards, Brett REBOL [] rebol-exe: to-string to-local-file system/options/boot to-call-str: func [f [file!]] [to-string to-local-file f] run-script: function [url] [file] [ if exists? file: path-thru url [ call rejoin [rebol-exe " " to-local-file file] ] ] run: func [cmd /in dir] [ if in [change-dir dir] call cmd ] view lay: layout [ origin 0x0 backdrop sky effect [gradcol 0x1 80.80.80 32.32.32] space 6x0 style ctl vtext ctl "View Ref" [run-script] ctl "Easy VID" [run-script] ctl "VID Notes" [run-script] ctl "Easy Draw" [run-script] ctl "Core" [run/in to-call-str %/c/rebol/_core/rebol %/c/rebol/_core/] ctl "View" [call to-call-str system/options/boot] ctl "Shell" [call "cmd.exe"] ctl "Quit" [quit] ]