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[REBOL] Re: Reading directories faster.

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 8-Oct-2002 14:27

Hi Alan, << I am using the code below to read and sort the current directory contents. It is _terribly_ slow on large directories (> 1000 files/directories) either none? df: attempt [read %./][ "Error reading Directory" ][ foreach file df [insert tail either (dir? file)[dirs][files] file] ]
DIR? does a bit of work to find out if a file has the directory flag set for it (look at the source for it). Since REBOL is very consistent about how it forms directory names, you can cheat a bit and avoid the extra disk hits for every file by doing something like this: either none? df: attempt [read %.][ "Error reading Directory" ][ foreach file df [ insert tail either (#"/" = last file)[dirs][files] file ] ] --Gregg