[REBOL] Why this email list has calmed down...
From: carl::s::rebol::com at: 11-Jun-2003 7:04
If you are familiar with this REBOL email list but have not visited
for a while, then you may be wondering what happened to all the messages
(60-100 per day).
Most of the daily "chit chat" has moved over to the REBOL Altme world.
AltME is a persistent, secure messaging application written totally in
By default, AltME worlds are closed... but if you have an interest in
visiting the REBOL World, you can get yourself invited pretty easily.
(Note: please don't send an email to me tho, as I'm not likely to see it.)
You can find out more about AltME and download it from www.altme.com.
It's still in beta, but works fairly well.
See you on the REBOL SafeWorld...
-Carl Sassenrath