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[REBOL] Re: Segmentation fault from http port

From: rotenca:telvia:it at: 22-May-2004 0:45

> I repeatedly get a segmentation fault when trying to read Warhol2.htm on a Mac OSX. Try to read the same URL from a Win2k, and do not get the fault. The URL behaves a bit funny (quasi-circular redirects). Turn on trace/net, and you'll see (but hurry, the URL mess-up could be fixed any time). Rebol http protocol should put a limit to the number of redirections. Norw it is not set any limit, but at the end Rebol finds parse recursion limits or something other internal limit (memory, number of ports...?). Mozilla, for example, displays a message "limit number of redirection reached". Segmentation faults on *nix are "the default error" :-) --- Ciao Romano