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[REBOL] Re: Altme

From: petr::krenzelok::seznam::cz at: 19-Dec-2008 11:11

Carl Read napsal(a):
> On Friday, 19-December-2008 at 22:47:58 Graham Chiu wrote, > >> bad idea.. the plugin only reliably works on IE. >> > > You think I don't know that? >
guys, peace :-) plug-in was NEVER properly finished. Josh was supposed to work on new security model, but the doc never appeared. New version was supposed also to allow more than one instance on the webpage. So - we need to start over imo. As for me, I find plug-in being a strategic product, because of easy of deployment for an end user. Plug-in source code will be released along with host codes IIRC ... -pekr-