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From: carl:cybercraft at: 2-Mar-2002 11:44

On 02-Mar-02, Boleslav Brezovsk=FD wrote:
> :) Thank you Carl but I discarded myself from competition just > because no-one can beat me :)
You could be right - all us others here just talk about coding. We don't ever actually do any. (;
> (That was joke. Provided without ANY WARRANTY of ANY KIND. Authors > does not warrant that the joke will meet your requirements, or that > the joke will be uninterrupted or error-free. Under no > circumstances, including negligence, shall the author be liable for > any incidental, special, indirect or consequential damages caused by > the joke. If you do not agree with terms of this END-USER LICENSE > AGREEMENT, please stop breathing. If you're still breathing, you > agree with our EULA. Thank you, REBOL/Demo license department). > One strange idea came to my mind. Am I man from future? Seems like > (but THEY didn't told me anything ;-). Not because of demos but it > seems like I wrote that mail on 2-Mar-02 and now is 1-Mar-02. > Believe or not but look cca 8 lines down and you'll see.
Well, it's 2-Mar-02 in NZ as I write... But still only 1-Mar-02 in Cz... So you probably wrote it in real-time, (ie, NZ time), but sent it from behind-the-times... (: (Alternatively, my mailer get's a bit confused now and then:)
> ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Carl Read" <[carl--cybercraft--co--nz]> > To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> > Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 5:57 PM > Subject: [REBOL] Re: RDC:FYI3 > On 02-Mar-02, bolek wrote: >> Hurry up, time is running out! February has just ended and you've >> got only two weeks till deadline. You want to be OFFICALLY FIRST >> WINNER of REBOL/Demo competition? Still gotta chance! >> Another flattering demo included, this time in 717 bytes (header >> included) > That one's cool, bolek. If you get no entries, give yourself the > prize for that. (: > Of course, the real reason for the slowdown on posts to this list is > everyone's slaving away writing demos for your comp. (He said, > rather unconvincingly:) >> ------8<-----cut here-------->8--------- >> REBOL [Title: "REBOL/Demo Competition"] >> view layout [ >> b: box 350x150 with [ >> text: "2 weeks left" >> rate: 20 >> edge: none >> image: make image! 350x150 >> font: make font [color: white size: 18 style: 'bold] >> feel: make feel [ >> engage: func [f a e][ >> switch a [ >> time [ >> f/effect: compose/deep [ >> (xx: to-image f) >> crop 3x3 342x142 >> fit >> blur >> contrast 20 >> draw [ >> pen random 255.255.255 >> fill-pen random 255.255.255 >> circle (make pair! reduce [100 + random 100 50 + random 50]) >> (random 12) >> ] >> difference (xx) >> luma -10 >> ] >> f/image: to-image f >> show f >> ] >> ] >> ] >> ] >> ] >> ] >> --- >> Odchoz=ED zpr=E1va neobsahuje viry. >> Zkontrolov=E1no antivirov=FDm syst=E9mem AVG ( >> Verze: 6.0.231 / Virov=E1 b=E1ze: 112 - datum vyd=E1n=ED: 12.2.2001
-- Carl Read