[REBOL] Re: Folding browser & editor+RebPad+(X)Emacs
From: tim::johnsons-web::com at: 23-Dec-2002 11:50
Hello Andrew/Rebols:
I use vim which has folding features, but I don't use
them, but I should get used to them. I'm also exploring
(X)Emacs which has folding features and I am kind of familiar
with the 'emacs' style folding used in their configuration
In my opinion, folding is an attractive idea. What is more
attractive to me is the bigger picture:
A programmer's editor written in rebol. For rebol. and
customizable in rebol. This idea has enormous appeal to
me. I note that emacs is customizable by it's own proprietory
version of lisp (elisp).
I think that an all - rebol editor could be a killer app given
that it offered full extendability using rebol itself. It
could also serve to tie together some of the other good
rebol applications that have been developed.
I want to add that I found François Jouen's Rebpad very
intriguing and was a little disappointed by what seemed to
be a dismissal by some because of all the french 'words
and strings. Well I can't speak or read french either, but
I consider that to be a moot point. Many multi-lingual
computer programs have been written. Using associative
lists, one could have a rebol editor that "speaks" French,
Spanish, Klingon, Middle Earth or <blush>English</blush>.
But the bottom line is this: A edit for rebol, in rebol,
extendable by rebol. Able to work with other rebol
apps. Hugely appealing.
(your linguistically challenged english-only reboler)
* Gregg Irwin <[greggirwin--mindspring--com]> [021223 08:29]:
> Hi Andrew,
> AM> What do people think about a cgi script that would allow a browser to view
> AM> and edit Rebol script, and fold blocks (and strings) open or closed?
> ...
> AM> Naturally, clicking on a "[" (open square bracket) would fold open up the
> AM> block, and clicking on a "]" would fold close the block. For example,
> AM> clicking on the first "[" in this view:
> Code folding editors can be pretty cool, though I've never gotten into
> them myself as I grew up on a different paradigm. In any case, would
> it be possible to detect a click anywhere on a folded block (e.g. on
> any part of "[...]") to expand it? It's hard to say, not having used
> it, but I think it might be easy to get confused if you have to click
> on a particular bracket to get what you want, especially if they're
> close. I would also think a hot-key might be a better choice, so you
> could have the caret anywhere in a block and hitting the key would
> collapse, or expand, the block it's currently in.
> Take this with a grain of salt since it's not my area. Maybe someone
> who has used lot of others will chime in. My only experience with this
> kind of thing is Frontier, which does it a bit differently than many
> others I expect since Dave Winer thinks in outlines.
> -- Gregg
> --
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Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>