[REBOL] Re: [Web-Services]
From: zap_user:yah:oo at: 18-Jun-2004 13:42
Hi Gregg,
I just would like a flexible package to handle the soap messages.. WSDL files, etc.
You know, I have an specific request in XML posted, I have to read this request and send
it back to the client an envelop with an answer, everything documented by the wsdl.
The problem is that I'd like something more automated.. you know.
For instance, I have a cgi. I want to run this cgi upon soap requests.. that's it. nothing
more.I saw an script made by complikatori, that's what I'm taking it as basis. He get
the pieces of everything and join it.
Maybe there's a better package.. that can read automatically the WSDL and prepares the
envelopes and services description and XML.
In my personal opinion, I really don't like t, but it's a standard and I need to do it.
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards!!
om> wrote:
Hi Dexter,
DW> Do you have any tutorial about developing web services with Rebol?
I haven't seen any, though there is some XML-RPC stuff out there. Do
you, or does anyone else, know what pieces would be needed to make it
happen (and make it useful)?
-- Gregg