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[REBOL] Re: Question: [ searching for answer on GUI speed ]

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 11-Mar-2002 16:38

Hi Norman, << For a simple Gui layout menu's the Rebol/view scores quite good on performance. But even the slightest extra in GUI mode bring my PC down to speeds of a XT machine, NO offence! >> Since I don't know what you're doing, it's hard to say where the slowdown might be occurring. If you apply a lot of effects to a lot of faces, or if you have a large face that you refresh often, it can slow things down quite a bit. Large faces seem to be the biggest hit I've seen in my stuff. I built a GUI app with multiple list boxes and some small pictures, which did lots of data manipulation and it was plenty responsive on current hardware. I'm running a P900 here and I think most machines we used were as fast, or just a little slower. Performance can vary widely, but just look at Cyphre's Arcadia game engine. I get 25 FPS in fixed size mode and ~11 FPS at ~900x700. --Gregg