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[REBOL] Re: inserting the current date

From: al:bri:xtra at: 1-Nov-2000 10:27

Sharriff wrote:
> I´ve go a HTML set up as a navigation bar, after a successful login, the login script normally emits a frameset page that calls "mynavigation frame.html" and " mybody frame.html" from the disk, which are static. I would like to display the current date in the navigation page which would mean that the login script would have to creat and write to disk the frame "mynavigation frame.html" before it gets called by the main frameset page, not a very clean solution, I admit. > > I´ve tried this approach but I get presented a page with TAB characters and no date. Has anyone tried something like this out or does anyone have an idea how I could solve this problem?
Try using JavaScript running in the client to produce the date and/or time on the browser. There's an example of this on my site, which you can use. Andrew Martin