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[REBOL] How to get Rebol forward ... (was) Re: Re: SVG dialect project

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 27-Apr-2003 16:24

Hi Robert, well, I would like to look at the problem from the more abstracted pov ....
>Petr, please just let's move in small steps and small visions because I >know that you see this problem in even more global aspects ;-)). But we >didn't made it in the small yet... >
Ah, maybe not then :-) Well, just kidding ... But the reason is - there is imo no community effort - it all starts by individuals making thingX or thingY and others just join. The only project with some level of collaboration is just VID, but it just sleeps right now ... There is no REBOL business except maybe RT, some of Reichart's efforts and maybe Steve's eFishAntSea :-) So - we all do rebol as our hobby, or just part-time job. How many developers is active on this ml? Very few imo - so if our community is hundreds times lower than e.g. Python's, let's not suppose we can do much. Well, one thing is Rebol related projects, other thing is Rebol itself - we have not seen many advancements to core technology last two years. So - even RT itself may have limited resources so that they rather concentrate upon port to OSx than bringing in new features, making ppl feel afresh (do you remember that excitement when there was some advancement did to View? :-) So how to fix it? Can we? We can't imo ... the only thing left is to take our little steps and proceed. We are slow and late on every front ... Look, I don't like to fail myself too - I promissed Carl to invest my time to coordinate VID project - the thing is - there is noone to coordinate currently ;-) Let's take e.g. Cyphre - he is now blocked for nearly two months already, because of his main job he is paid for. That is the reality ... As for me, I am trying to do my small steps too. Apart from my current job (which I leave usually at 4 - 6 hours p.m.), we slowly work towards our products relese with Xidys, and in two weeks we hope we win the contract for some kiosk systems + IOS based regional info system. And I still have some books to read, concepts to outline, etc. etc. - just where to take enough of free time? I think that for the situation to become more vital and generating some excitement, we imo need RT get back to more often beta releases, incorporating various enhancements and patches done by community, adding some core stuff, take some time for stabilisation, and go for official release. Ppl will try new stuff, add some ideas, start new projects to see how things work out, etc. - without the feeling of something fresh, everything is more difficult to achieve ... Carl could e.g. set-up a word/IOS server for various project purposes, assign coordinators, which would organise development. Except VID, I can imagine community rewriting protocols for e.g. to have async networking. IIRC Gabriele e.g. expressed his willingness to go something in that regards. We should use that potential, if available. But! - it is absolutely needed, that someone from RT monitors such activities, encourages them ... more than once per two months e.g. ;-) Without basic technology advancement - there is no add-on advancement :-) So has anyone even more "refreshing" ideas to offer, e.g. how to get attracted more developers to use rebol? :-) -pekr-