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[REBOL] Re: generating XML ?

From: joel:neely:fedex at: 15-Jun-2002 8:15

Hi, Jason, Jason Cunliffe wrote:
> I need to generate XML from REBOL... >
Do you mean from arbitrary REBOL block structures, or from block similar in structure to the output of PARSE-XML? If the latter, here is some work-in-progress that might be of interest: 8<-------------------------------------------------- xml-lib: make object! [ q1: to-char 39 ; single quote q2: to-char 34 ; double quote _xentities: reduce [ "&" "&amp;" "<" "<" ">" ">" q2 "&quot;" ] _xescape: func [s [string!] /local r] [ r: copy s foreach [chr ent] _xentities [replace/all r chr ent] r ] _xenquote: func [s [string!] /local q] [ rejoin [ q: either find s q2 [ either find s q1 [ s: _xescape s q2 ][ q1 ] ][ q2 ] s q ] ] _xformattrs: func [a [block! none!] /local r] [ r: copy "" foreach [name value] any [a []] [ repend r [" " name {=} _xenquote value] ] r ] _xform: func [b [block!] pre [string!] /local r c d] [ r: copy "" append r rejoin [pre "<" first b _xformattrs second b] either none? c: third b [ append r rejoin [" />" newline] ][ append r ">" either all [ 1 = length? c string? d: first c 60 >= length? d newline <> last d ][ append r rejoin [ _xescape d "</" first b ">" newline ] ][ append r newline foreach item c [ append r either string? item [ rejoin [item newline] ][ _xform item join " " pre ] ] append r rejoin [pre "</" first b ">" newline] ] ] r ] xform: func [b [block!]] [ _xform either word? first b [first third b] [b] "" ] xtrim: func [b [block!] /local b3 b31] [ if found? b3: third b [ while [not empty? b3] [ either string? b31: first b3 [ either empty? trim/head/tail b31 [ remove b3 ][ b3: next b3 ] ][ xtrim b31 b3: next b3 ] ] if empty? head b3 [ b/3: none ] ] b ] ] 8<-------------------------------------------------- XML-LIB/XTRIM removes the ignorable whitespace from the content of an XML-derived block structure, as in this case:
>> foo: {
{ <drill model="DB-375"> { <motor rating="0.25h" /> { <chuck size="0.375" /> { <description> { A wonderful Father's Day gift idea! On sale now! { </description> { <price wholesale="27.45" retail="49.95" /> { </drill> { } == { <drill model="DB-375"> <motor rating="0.25h" /> <chuck size="0.375" /> <description> A wonderful Father's Day gift idea! On s...
>> bletch: parse-xml foo
after which BLETCH has the following structure (reformatted for email): [document none [ ["drill" ["model" "DB-375"] [ "^/" ["motor" ["rating" "0.25h"] none] "^/" ["chuck" ["size" "0.375"] none] "^/" ["description" none [ {^/A wonderful Father's Day gift idea! On sale now!^/} ]] "^/" ["price" ["wholesale" "27.45" "retail" "49.95"] none] "^/" ]] ]] where the extra newlines (for example) are not relevant to the "data- oriented" content. We can say xml-lib/xtrim bletch to tidy up the content of BLETCH as follows: [document none [ ["drill" ["model" "DB-375"] [ ["motor" ["rating" "0.25h"] none] ["chuck" ["size" "0.375"] none] ["description" none [ "A wonderful Father's Day gift idea! On sale now!" ]] ["price" ["wholesale" "27.45" "retail" "49.95"] none] ]] ]] Since this is still in the canonical XML-as-blocks form, we can say
>> print xml-lib/xform bletch
<drill model="DB-375"> <motor rating="0.25h" /> <chuck size="0.375" /> <description>A wonderful Father's Day gift idea! On sale now!</description> <price wholesale="27.45" retail="49.95" /> </drill> (note that the description wrapped, the max length is tweakable). OTOH, we can start with a block structure of the same scheme: glorp: [ "computer" ["owner" "dilbert"] [ [ "cpu" ["model" "athlon" "speed" "4.5GHz"] [] ] [ "ram" ["type" "ddr" "size" "4096Mb"] [] ] [ "disk" ["size" "512Gb" "speed" "10500rpm"] ["just for home use"] ] ] ] which can be rendered in XML by
>> print xml-lib/xform glorp
<computer owner="dilbert"> <cpu model="athlon" speed="4.5GHz"> </cpu> <ram type="ddr" size="4096Mb"> </ram> <disk size="512Gb" speed="10500rpm">just for home use</disk> </computer> HTH! -jn- -- ; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] { | e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]