[REBOL] Re: Lower-Level REBOL/View Documentation
From: g:santilli:tiscalinet:it at: 11-Dec-2002 12:25
Hi Anton,
On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, 9:05:47 AM, you wrote:
A> Well, then, I haven't looked too deeply into
A> it, but maybe you can explain what that setting
A> of parent-face in Romano's auto-panel does ?
A> After all, it's so obvious from reading the source.
; ...
new/parent-face: none
do bind new/init in new 'init
if new/parent-face [new: new/parent-face]
append pane new
; ...
Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r