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[REBOL] Rugby-core syntax

From: rebol665:ifrance at: 10-Feb-2002 11:55

Hi Petr Thanks for warming me up. I feel better. I like Maarten's idea to build a simplified rugby. I spend some hours testing the new rugby-core and updating my notes and you can imagine I was at least surprised by Maarten answer especially after his ...
>I invite you all to use it and test it, if you find bugs, report them to
>I'll fix it asap.
I think simplicity and consistency are important in software. You were the first to point that serve/witch [now] tcp://:9002 is not consistent with do get-rugby-service http://localhost:9002 And as rugby is now only HTTP, it seems to me that serve/witch [now] tcp://:9002 can be simplified like this serve/with [now] 9002 or like this serve/port [now] 9002 However Maartens own rugby. It's his baby. One he can be proud of . I am confident he will let us know if he wants some more testing and suggestions, or maybe just testing. Patrick