[REBOL] finally! (multipart/form-data)
From: ryan::christiansen::intellisol::com at: 30-Apr-2001 17:59
I finally created a routine which will parse multipart/form-data. I ran
into trouble trying to figure out how to keep the image portion of the POST
data binary, but I got it to work in the end.
Go to this web page to see it in action...
Here is the code...
#!rebol -cs
print "Content-Type: text/html^/" ;-- Required Page Header
content-length: 20 + load system/options/cgi/content-length
post-data: make string! content-length
read-io system/ports/input post-data content-length
post-data: make binary! post-data
cd-block: []
parse/all post-data [
any [to "Content-Disposition:" copy text to "------" (text: make
binary! text append cd-block text)]
cd-input: []
foreach cd cd-block [
either find cd "filename" [
parse/all cd [thru {name="} copy text to {"} (append cd-input
parse/all cd [thru {filename="} copy text to {"} (file-path-string:
copy text)]
file-path-block: parse/all file-path-string {\/"}
filename: last file-path-block
parse/all cd [thru {Content-Type: } copy text to {^/}
(file-mime-type: copy text)]
parse/all cd [thru {^M^/^M^/} copy text to {^M^/} (text: make
binary! text append cd-input text)]
parse/all cd [thru {name="} copy text to {"} (append cd-input text)]
parse/all cd [thru {^M^/^M^/} copy text to {^M^/} (append cd-input
cd-input: head cd-input
object-data: make object! []
for x 1 (length? cd-input) 2 [
variable: first cd-input
cd-input: next cd-input
value: first cd-input
either binary? value [
make-object-data: reform [rejoin [{object-data: make object-data [}
(variable) {: } (value) {]}]]
make-object-data: reform [rejoin [{object-data: make object-data [}
(variable) {: ^{} (value) {^}]}]]
do make-object-data
cd-input: next cd-input
make-object-data: reform [rejoin [{object-data: make object-data [filename:
^{} (filename) {^}]}]]
do make-object-data
make-object-data: reform [rejoin [{object-data: make object-data
[file-mime-type: ^{} (file-mime-type) {^}]}]]
do make-object-data
image-name: make file! (rejoin [{../images/} object-data/filename])
write/binary image-name object-data/file
wait 4
print rejoin [{<IMG SRC="} image-name {">}]
Ryan C. Christiansen
Web Developer
Intellisol International
4733 Amber Valley Parkway
Fargo, ND 58104
701-235-3390 ext. 6671
FAX: 701-235-9940
Global Leader in People Performance Software
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