[REBOL] Re: XML document formats?
From: carlos:lorenz:g:mail at: 22-Mar-2006 8:17
Talking about XML, how do you use REBOL to parse XML docs? I have tried once
but found that too much complicated. By the way blocks are much easier to
use than XML nodes
2006/3/22, Petr Krenzelok <petr.krenzelok-trz.cz>:
> Hi,
> just trying to find out, if anyone works in the industry, where you use
> some standard XML document formats as invoices, orders, etc.? XML may
> get pretty complex, and maybe I could use some templates for that
> purpose? Does anyone have any pointers? I will try to look at OASIS
> consortium, but not sure I will find something :-)
> thanks :-)
> -pekr-
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Carlos Lorenz