[REBOL] Re: tool for resizable windows posted
From: agem::crosswinds::net at: 31-May-2001 22:57
Thanks Brett!
I 'm posting a better version immediate.
The base-function gets now
[diff-to-orig-size diff-to-last-size last-used-face]
there are examples for face-recycling
and copy-data-from-old-face for that.
Found nice trick to make a layout with locals:
system/words/lay: layout [t1: area]
lay/data: self
now lay/data/t1 is unique for every layout :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprüngliche Nachricht <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Am 31.05.01, 06:32:29, schrieb "Brett Handley" <[brett--codeconscious--com]>
zum Thema [REBOL] Re: tool for resizable windows posted: