[REBOL] Re: GVIM Editor
From: joel:neely:fedex at: 13-Mar-2002 13:33
Hi, Chris,
Chris wrote:
> The main difference here is that, unless you're using the Version
> Of Emacs For The Psychotically Masocistic (ie: running it in a
> plain tty), you have the option of using a mouse and menu in emacs.
> When I started learning emacs I didn't use the keyboard shortcuts
> - I didn't know most of them. Instead I used the menus: they provide
> access to the options most people need when they're just starting
> to use an editor. With vim you're dropped in at the deep end - you
> either learn the commands quickly, or you get stuck.
Sorry, but not so. See my other post laying emacs and vim side by
side, but the key point is that gvim *DOES* allow the use of mouse
selection, menu actions, etc...
PS: Maybe it makes my Psychotically Masochistic, but even when using
gvim in XWindows or w32, I still use the keyboard for most things
instead of having to stop, move my hand to the mouse, wiggle the mouse
around while mashing and releasing buttons, then move my hand back to
the keyboard to continue typing. In short, I (personal opinion here)
see mice as good for two things:
1) training wheels for apps I don't use very often, and which
therefore my fingers haven't learned to drive on autopilot, and
2) apps which actually depend on hand/eye coordination, such as
graphics programs.
When I'm programming or writing text, I usually think much faster
than I can type (or should I say "type much slower than I think" ;-)
and so begrudge the time I have to spend with my hands off of the