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[REBOL] Re: creating a shortcut double-post

From: bry::itnisk::com at: 31-Oct-2003 15:54

OOPS, truncated last post. b> Anyway if the sdk has GET-ENV then I suppose it must have a function to b> expand %SystemRoot%, perhaps by looking at the source you can find that? g>>> get-env "OS" g>== "Windows_NT" g>>> get-env "SystemRoot" g>== "C:\WINDOWS" This causes me to think that you must be running Windows XP or later? g>Is there a variable for the desktop path, too? Otherwise we have: Greg said something about a function to get special folders didn't he? This can be useful to get namespaced folders in the Windows Shell. Otherwise: l Is an example of a solution it might be nice to emulate, that is to say have an object that contains varieties of useful points.