[REBOL] Re: Why Wiev is still claimed to be free??? (was) Re: Yes, REBOL/Core i
From: agem::crosswinds::net at: 23-May-2001 0:24
In a way /view-license is like Holgers open-source example:
you try it, you need to use your prototype for 1.0
- opsala, thats a hit!
using open source means you have to open your source -
can be expressed in money.
Using view means doing stuff usually done with browsers.
At least this is the first impression
- free and mighty as in »browser«, easy as in »rebol«: the REB.
Then you have to equip each visitor with a $100-viewer suddenly. that
Runtime? $1/visitor * millions because of /.dotting - uncalculable.
And download size ways to big without recycling
(download runtime once ok, but for each 4k-script? hm. Java looks
Don't know which version can harder hit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprüngliche Nachricht <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Am 22.05.01, 22:55:16, schrieb Ryan Cole <[ryanc--iesco-dms--com]> zum Thema
[REBOL] Re: Why Wiev is still claimed to be free??? (was) Re: Yes,
REBOL/Core is still free:
> I dont see it as a lie, but I do see it as misleading for commercial
customers. I would be put off. I think it should be changed, or a
least a footnote added.