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[REBOL] Re: Understanding Data Types

From: jean:holzammer:faedv-n:bayern at: 8-Jun-2001 7:36

> I am a newbie to REBOL and trying to get a grip on it's data typing. My > question concerns the following scenario: > > If I read a directory: > > foo: read %. > > how can I execute a find against the block? If I try: > > find foo "a.txt" > > I get a null response, as I do with most other variations. I know that
> entry in foo is considered a file type, and I am assuming that is why my > find doesn't work, but what do I need to do to make it work?
Exactly. The entries in block foo are of type file!. So try this: find foo %a.txt this results in a view to the block foo beginning from the position of %a.txt in the block. If you'd like to know , if block foo contains a file %a.txt, do this: if found? find foo %a.txt [ print "Entry exists in block" ] If you just want to know, if file a.txt exists, you can use: if exists? %a.txt [ print "file exists" ] Jean