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[REBOL] CGI Form / Email

From: mechtn::charter::net at: 31-Mar-2002 11:58

Hi, I am working on a cgi form/email program to create a support request form for my company.. So far its going pretty well except i cant figure out how to break the fields apart even more than just from/subject/message... i want them to fill out multiple fields and it list it all in the message... currently my code looks like.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #!rebol -cs REBOL [ Title: "Sends Support Request via CGI Form" Date: 29-March-2002 File: %cgiemailer.r Purpose: { Uses a Web form to send an support request (email) message. } Category: [cgi email markup net 3] ] supportmail: [support--nex-tekinc--com] system/user/email: [support--nex-tekinc--com] system/schemes/default/host: "" print "Content-Type: text/html^/" ;-- Required Page Header print "<html><body><h2>Results:</h2>" cgi: make system/standard/email decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string either all [ email? try [cgi/email: load cgi/email] ][ print [<B> "Sending Support Request Now"</B><br>] send/header [ksmith--nex-tekinc--com] cgi/content cgi ][ print "<B>Invalid email to or from address</B>" ] print [ "Customer Number:" <B> cgi/custnum </B><P> "Email:" <B> cgi/email </B><P> "Name:" <B> cgi/name </B><P> "Problem:" <B> cgi/content </B><P> ] print "</body><html>" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have the following fields in the webpage.. custnum email name content My goal is to have the customer number appear in the subject, and any other information like name and problem appear in the message body.. I may have more than just these two fields once its all said and done.. Thanks to anyone who can help me out.. Koie Smith [ksmith--nex-tekinc--com]