[REBOL] Re: Creating stuff :)
From: ingo:2b1 at: 26-Apr-2001 22:19
Hi Stefan,
I thought I already saw the answer, but seems I just dreamt, so
here it is (translating your fantasy example to rebol, the way I
understand it ...)
Once upon a time [stefan--falk--slg--se] spoketh thus:
> for count 1 number-of-questions 1 [
> question[count]: data/question[count]
> answer[count]: data/answer[count]
> append file-to-save question[count]
> append file-to-save answer[count]
> ]
for count 1 number-of-questions 1 [
set question/:count data/question/:count ; you have to use set, question/:count: won't
set answer/:count data/answer/:count
append file-to-save question/:count
append file-to-save answer/:count
kind regards,