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From: lcdr:licholai:msc:navy:mil at: 22-Feb-2002 12:00

All, I updated the quick plot dialect (q-plot) and ez-plot tutorial posted on the reboltech site. Some of the changes to the quick plot dialect include: * added pie charts and exploded pie charts * added scatter plots * added candlestick charts for displaying stock data * added the ability to place axis in a border area * added logarithmic, and semi-logarithmic scale options (and also a dynamic selection mode) * modified text placement to accept relative positioning of the text * added a style options to the title * better use of parse to implement the dialect * internal code clean up The ez-plot tutorial has also been updated to reflect the changes in quick plot. Additionally, the tutorial has an expanded section on using quick plot, get-stock.r and condense.r (some functions to aggregate data) to create a stock analysis application. Although some of the internals of quick plot still look like spaghetti, I have tried to improved the readability and REBOLness of the code. In some ways I again prove that you can write passable FORTRAN in REBOL. Once again I welcome all comments on the usability, style and functionality of the dialect and the code. Thanks, Matt