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[REBOL] Re: Private Object Function

From: coussement:c:itc:mil:be at: 16-Jan-2001 9:34

> Hi Christophe, > > I think your description is incomplete. By privatization do you mean > > 1. that functions within the object should/should not have access to the > privatized function? > > 2. If 1, then that limits how hidden the hidden function is. Recall that > REBOL functions are editable during runtime. This means that I can use > any function that accesses the hidden function as an entry point into > the hidden function. I.e. > > o: make object! [ > hidden-func: does [] > exposed-func: does [hidden-func] > ] > > exposed-hidden-func: get first second get in o 'exposed-func
[ok, I can also use this]
> 3. Should the function have access to other functions and words defined > in the context of the object?
[yes, it should]
> 4. Should the object be serializable including hidden functions?
[I do not understand 'serializable' ?]
> 5. Should descendants have access to hidden functions?
[yes they should. Although it should be interressant to me to have a mean to control this: some sort of 'protected function' which is known to the ancestor, but not to the child objects...]
> Without clarifying these questions I can see a long thread of rejected > proposals.
[the 'private function' I meant is the opposite of a 'public function'. That is, a private function is a function only known and accessible from within the context of the object. A public one is part of the public interface of the object and is therefore accessible from outside the object, by another object from exemple]