[REBOL] Re: Giving up Rebol?/binary skip
From: reboler:ifrance at: 11-Dec-2002 9:17
No, Carl
It's too easy to blame network, ISP, or invalid email address !
A few days ago, I unsubscribe from this list for technical reasons
(then subscribe again with another email address).
Doing this, I have received from your team the following:
Thank you for participating in the discussion of
our product. We hope that you return soon! If
you are leaving this list because of a specific
reason, please email a description of the issue
to [feedback--rebol--com] and we will attempt to
correct it.
Thanks for visiting,
The REBOL Team
Basically I have done as told.
And when you say :
>If you require faster response for your larger customers,
>please contact us to setup a consulting/support contract.
>We can provide a rapid 24 hour response,
>depending on the level of cash compensation.
I think it is offensive, and disrespectful.
(Je n'ai malheureusement pas assez de mots en anglais pour exprimer
à quel point cette attitude méprisante me consterne.
Quelle déception ! quel gâchis ! )
Rebol user