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[REBOL] patching print & probe so they log to a file disk. [logs] [print] [probe]

From: maximo::meteorstudios::com at: 25-Mar-2004 11:30

Hi Giuseppe, I changed subject, in order to get some feedback after a crash, you can add this before running your code: ;--------8<--------- invisible logging --------8<-------- log-file: %/path/to/file.txt *print: :print print: func [data /log][ if not log [*print data] write/append log-file append reform data "^/" ] *probe: :probe probe: func [data /log][ if not log [*probe data] write/append log-file append reform data "^/" ] ;--------8<--------- invisible logging --------8<-------- this wont' cure all your problems, but now, at least, whatever you print or probe, gets logged to a file, so you can print as much info as you can and review what happened AFTER the crash... that's what I do when I get to a point where code becomes unstable. It helped me find my crashing glayout issue. can anyone tell me if there is a function which is used to add trace messages even if only for netword stuff... maybe we can patch that one too so that trace gets silently dumped to a file too... :-) would be nice for off-line stats and access logs too. -MAx --- You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution, but in the end, being part of the problem is much more fun.