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[REBOL] Re: to-hex

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 11-Sep-2001 11:24

Hallvard Ystad wrote:
> Hi everyone. Here's a simple question: > > To-hex demands an integer value. How do I convert the string "F2" into a hex value? To-integer claims "F2" is an invalid argument. >
load rejoin ["#{" "F2" "}"] - that cludgy way you get binary :-) then you can convert to integer to-integer load rejoin ["#{" "F2" "}"] - and now you can convert to-hex :-) to-hex to-integer load rejoin ["#{" "F2" "}"] maybe 'debase could help you, but it is buggy in current rebol implementation ... -pekr-