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[REBOL] Re: Some questions...

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 11-Apr-2002 12:08

Hi Alessandro, << 1) I want to store the name of a field in a variable and I want assign the focus to the field whose name (or obj reference) is stored in such variable. How can I do? 2) What can I do to change the color (which refiniment) of the background of a field?
Let me know if this helps. view layout [ f-1: field f-2: field button 200 "Goto Field 1" [focus f-1] button 200 "Goto Field 2" [focus f-2] button 200 "Set Field 2 color" [ ;f-2/colors/1: red f-2/colors: reduce [red green] show f-2 ] ] --Gregg