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[REBOL] Re: draw has no access to the current face

From: brett:codeconscious at: 1-Oct-2002 22:30

Hi Patrick,
> May I dare to ask how you have learn all this stuff?
One day after learning lots about Core I decided I needed to learn View. I read all the docs I could find, looked at emails postings to this list. Looked at the source code of LAYOUT, etc, and made lots of guesses and spent lots of time. But my goal was to keep searching until understood how it worked. During much of this process I took some notes and wrote them as if explaining to someone else. This little process gave me more ideas to test as well. Eventually the puzzle came together. I'm glad I spent the time. Like you said "the more closer you look at it the more you find interresting stuff" I was constantly impressed. :^) The notes are available on On the website and the rebsite. The rebsite is better because the examples are interactive. I don't claim it is all absolutely correct - so use your judgement :^) In REBOL/View: "Goto" Then find the "Docs" folder. Allen's rebolforces ( site has some old View documents written by RT which are a little dry but which have good details. The RT website has "how to" documents which are very good. The HELP in the latest View beta now shows object fields well, before this beta I used DocKimbels "Extended Help" (HELP.R). Regards, Brett.