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[REBOL] Re: ANN: Rugby 43 experimental

From: koopmans:itr:ing:nl at: 31-Oct-2001 15:45

Hi, On my celeron 500 laptop: start: now/time loop 100 [ echo "la"] print (now/time - start) ==10 secs. Note that the client stub code (which is what you are testing is extremely dynamic as of this release). But as the load is on the server.... you should test it in a multiple machine setup if you want to do performance tests. The stub code you get back does automatic rexec and sexec on the right machines with refinement passing etc. Hence it is very dynamic code, and it may look bloated. Especially the refinement transferral from the stub to the other side was tricky. If you put the result of get-rugby-service in a context o, all values except self of first o will be the ones that you can get from this service. I'll put that in the docs. Try help on any function you have imported (although you'd have to do the import in the global context because of help), it will work. HTH, Maarten