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[REBOL] Re: REBOL/Interoperability/SOAP

From: patrick:scotto:wanadoo at: 24-Aug-2002 9:17

hello, try these links : for explanation and this one to get library and test that with a soaptest.r as joined [cybarite--sympatico--ca] wrote:
>Hi, >Anyone have any more information on how REBOL will support SOAP in the near term? >If there is background work going on, I would be pleased to hear about it. >
-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- -- File: soaptest.r REBOL [ Title: "SOAP tester 1.0.1" Date: [16-Apr-2001] Author: "Graham Chiu" File: %soaptest.r Email: [gchiu--compkarori--co--nz] Rights: "copyright G Chiu 2001" Version: 1.0.1 Purpose: { To send SOAP messages emulating "This is a tool for testing web services. A good web service needs to be interoperable with many SOAP clients, which many send different, yet valid, messages for the same service. The tool can be used to simulate such situations. You can change schemas, namespaces, and variable values to test if your service is really SOAP 1.1 compliant. " } Notes: { } ] do load-thru/update soap-url: soap-action: "" soap-request: {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd1="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <mns:Method1 xmlns:mns=""> <bstrParam1 xsi:type="xsd:string">{$bstrParam1}</bstrParam1> <bstrParam2 xsi:type="xsd:string">{$bstrParam2}</bstrParam2> </mns:Method1> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>} cleanup: does [ replace/all soap-request newline " " replace/all soap-request {^-} " " ] sendsoap: does [ either any [ empty? f-msg/text empty? f-server/text ] [ alert "Server Address and SOAP Message fields need to be filled in!" ] [ f-res/text: copy "Server Response Appears Here" show f-res srequest: f-msg/text replace/all srequest newline " " tmp: http-tools/soap f-server/text reduce [ f-action/text srequest ] ; use this alternative if you want to debug ; tmp: http-tools/soap/debug f-server/text reduce [ f-action/text srequest ] f-res/text: copy tmp/content f-status/text: copy tmp/http-response ] ] lo: [ style tx label 120x24 right style btn button 80x24 style fld field 420x24 origin 10x10 vh4 "Rebol SOAP Tester:" across space 2x1 tx "Server Address:" f-server: fld to-string soap-url return tx "SOAPAction" f-action: fld to-string soap-action return tx "SOAP Message:" f-msg: area wrap 420x200 soap-request sld: slider 16x200 [scroll-para f-msg sld] return tx "SOAP Response:" f-res: area wrap 420x200 sld2: slider 16x200 [scroll-para f-res sld2] return tx "Server Status:" f-status: info 420x24 return below at 10x155 space 0x4 btn "Evaluate" #"^E" [submit] btn "Clear" [clear-all] btn "Default" [ default ] btn "Close" escape [close-em] ] default: does [ clear-all f-server/text: to-string copy soap-url f-action/text: copy soap-action f-msg/text: copy soap-request f-res/text: copy "Server Response Appears Here" show soap ] clear-all: does [ f-msg/text: copy "" f-res/text: copy "Server Response Appears Here" f-msg/line-list: none clear-fields soap show soap focus f-server ] submit: does [ result: {Your message has been sent.} sending: flash "Sending..." sendsoap unview/only sending show f-res show f-status ] close-em: does [unview] view center-face soap: layout lo