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From: joel::neely::fedex::com at: 25-May-2001 8:07

Hi, Volker, Let me clarify my perspective on smart-client-dumb-server. -jn- Volker Nitsch wrote:
> Thread sound a lot to conventional to me. >
Speaking for myself, I interested in having (and helping to create) an effective, scalable, portable library. If it meets those criteria, I'm indifferent to whether it is "conventional" or not.
> I think, first we should use rebol. >
> So why this smart-server-stuff?
Again, speaking for myself, I haven't asked for any "smart server stuff", nor do I think it's particularly useful. I *do* want multiple servers with identical images of the library's content, both for fault-tolerance and optionally to allow the client-side user the choice of which server(s) to prefer (for whatever reason), but I haven't proposed any server-side capabilities beyond httpd. I *have* considered (although I haven't proposed it on this list before now) the idea that if UHURU units have a standard format (whether the one I imagined or some other scheme), the server *could* maintain some additional niceties, such as: 1) a keyword-based search engine returning the paths, names, and descriptive blurbs for all library units matching a visitor-supplied set of search terms, 2) a site-map-like diagram or outline showing the entire concept hierarchy, 3) a "what's new" list of recently-submitted units, 4) and other similar packaging. However, none of these go beyond the kind of thing that *ANY* well-maintained web site has, *regardless of content type*.
> Carl shows us allways: > put some files on the server, download a maker-script, > do it, voila, there is what you want. > Let the client do the work :) >
This is almost exactly what I described. UHURU/install *was* described as client-side, and would (as stated above) need nothing more than httpd on the server. -jn- ------------------------------------------------------------ Programming languages: compact, powerful, simple ... Pick any two! joel'dot'neely'at'fedex'dot'com