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[REBOL] New posting submitted to the feedback box of the web

From: gerardcote::sympatico::ca at: 15-Jul-2002 2:20

Hi REBOLers, Tonight I decided to do some small effort to help REBOL getting a better recognition amongst the others free languages community. So I sent the following message as stated in the above subject for this email. So the recipient and Webmaster of this site should at least consider to add some entries about REBOL to his site : I also found many other entries relating to REBOL by submitting the following request on Google : dr.Dobbs Journal rebol language while searching for locating the interesting forum Article relating to REBOL as a member of the Programming Languages for the Humans . It is refered below and many members of this ML submitted interesting material to this forum. Follows my content for the email I sent. I also submitted other small similar postings to 2 other languages catalogs and I posted one of them for review a couple of minutes ago to the REBOL ML. Hope this will be taken into consideration by the recipients of my emails ... and this will encourage everyone on this ML to post some similar entry into any known "Language Catalog" that could permit REBOL to get a better View - without any words play - relative to the REBOL/View itself ! Regards, Gerard <message-sent> As a newcomer to REBOL, it simply seems to me that this scripting language should appear under more catégories than it is now. I suggest you that you add entries about REBOL to the following categories : 1- Under Main section "1st-spot coding" a) under the sub-title : Tutorials add an entry named "REBOL Tutorials" pointing to and to b) under a new sub-title : REBOL enter a short description like " The Internet and multi- platform OS scripting Language" located above the "Ruby" entry pointing to 2- Under the section "Reviews" Add the title of the following discussion forum "Programming languages for Humans" pointing to the corresponding DDJ Forum article : 3- Under the section "Scripting" Add a REBOL entry pointing to 2 official and free open source rebol script libraries : 4- Under the section "Also CheckOut .." Add a new entry named "REBOL/ZINE" pointing to That's all for now but so this would better be representative of where the REBOL flexibility is really shining ! Regards, Gerard </message-sent>