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[REBOL] 'parse-url - where defined?

From: arolls:bigpond:au at: 31-Jan-2001 2:33

Hi, Looking at source read-via It uses 'parse-url in the second line of read-via's function body. Where does parse-url come from? On the console, parse-url has no value. How then, does read-via work? my system/version ==
>> parse-url
** Script Error: parse-url has no value. ** Where: parse-url
>> source read-via
read-via: func [ {Read a file via the cache. Returns binary. Failure returns error.} url [url! file!] /progress callfunc port-hand /update "Force update from source site" /local path file data purl loc-path ][ if file? url [return read url] if none? purl: parse-url url [return none] loc-path: rejoin [system/options/home/public "/" purl/host "/" any [purl/path ""]] file: join loc-path purl/target path: rejoin ["/" any [purl/path ""] purl/target] either all [not update exists? file] [data: read/binary file] [ data: either progress [read-net/progress url :callfunc port-hand] [read-net url] if data [ if not exists? loc-path [make-dir/deep loc-path] write/binary file data ] ] data ] Anton.