[REBOL] Noob with a question
From: mumpsoid:gmx at: 25-Mar-2009 20:14
I'm a new-guy in the REBOLution ;)
At 62, I may be too old to make a good REBOLutionary, but I suppose
that advocacy is ageless. I'm a self-taught, amateur Perl and M(umps)
programmer. I've also had a long, hard look at Forth. I see in REBOL
what appears to be "some" Forth influence. Could I be correct?
Anyway, so far I really enjoy REBOL - it's dead easy and very
intuitive. I'm using /Core on an OS X Intel box running the latest
Leopard patch. I don't believe /View will work on my machine.
The manual states:
The forall advances the variable position through the series, so when
it returns the variable is left at its tail:
Therefore, the variable must be reset before it is used again:
However. when I try it out I get:
>> colors: [red green blue yellow orange]
== [red green blue yellow orange]
>> forall colors [print first colors]
>> print tail? colors
Thanks for the help and a great language!
Duke Normandin
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?