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[REBOL] Re: Smart Client

From: odycy:sympatico:ca at: 30-Sep-2003 15:11

Sorry, I got so carried away with my own rage against the Vole I forgot to make my own point. Most of my Rebol problems on Windows went away when I dropped the MS half of the equation and implemented a solution in REBOL or Python or what-have-you. - Peter On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 14:40:05 -0400, Odycy Server Administration <[odycy--sympatico--ca]> wrote:
> Re: Maxim & Microsoft > > I'm not so sure about XML being a) a Microsoft file format or b) that > parsing it is all that difficult, but I basically chucked MS for > development purposes about a year ago, and darn near went bankrupt as a > result. Here in Canada, if anything, imho blind allegiance to the Vole is > more mindless and pandemic than the US. > > Fwiw, you can even get decent performance out of a Windows box by > shutting > off IE, dumping the shell for Litestep or what-have-you. (I should point > out I only realized I was doing this to this particular machine after the > fact - it wasn't a plan, per se.) Once I dumped out Excel and Access and > generally eschewed all things Vole, I began to see what I think is the > ulitmate goal here, which is to get these little flat things on our desks > to do what we want instead of what Little Billy wants. > > I've noticed a few emails lately which have asked about interfacing Rebol > with MS This, release n**4, and my experience building this strange > little > computer says "find the simple solution at the cheapest cost" almost > always means dumping VoleBloat. > > There's almost always a Rebol way, and doing it from the ground up in > Rebol has always taxed my aging mind less than tilting at the MS > windmill. > There's still a ton more for me to learn, but I'm muddling through, with > your combined experiences to guide me. Thanks for that. > > This machine is now dedicated to running a server for people with > addictions to use. It provides a useful free public service worldwide for > alcoholics and other substance abusers. By and large, it runs on an > inexpensive piece of hardware and it doesn't make the Vole a dime [sic]. > > It's not 100% REBOL, but there's a lot, plus Python and PHP on Apache. > > Take heart, Maxim. My guess is the markets might yet take VoleSoft to > task. Folks here tend worry more about the economic effect of bursting > that bubble, but North America did survive the markets' belated > acknowledgment that we made crappy cars. Now I betcha there's the odd > Merc > or Beemer in the Vole's staff parking lots. > > Me, I was figuring maybe I should sue the Vole for exacerbating my own > addictions with the convoluted dross that Redmond passes off as > development software. Dang! It says I have to take responsibility for my > own addictions! > > Peter >
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