[REBOL] Re: R3 and GUI projects?
From: ale870:gma:il at: 29-Jul-2007 12:05
> I could do it by R2 too, but I am little helpless with updating
> the layout after a change has occurred.
Try to put layout in a variable, then call "show":
counter: 1
view lay: layout [ t1: text "0" t2: text "0" button [t1/text: t2/text: form
show lay
counter: counter + 1] ]
On 7/29/07, Jonathan Kelly <jonkelly-fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Gregg Irwin wrote:
> > Hi Paavo,
> >
> > PN> Wonder how much the interface programming willl change
> > PN> with R3. I am now considering either delaying one project
> > PN> until R3 is available, or implementing it temporarily as
> > PN> a python applet.
> >
> > R3 will be based on a lot of new code, so if you have a deadline, it
> > probably isn't the best choice. Some things will be similar, or the
> > same, but a lot of things will be different.
> Dare one ask ... when? "More input" ... :)
> >
> > -- Gregg
> >
> --
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