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[ALLY] Problems with field & mouse clicks

From: peoyli::algonet::se at: 4-Nov-2000 0:41

No need to duplicate the text in the Header/Comment below... Any idea on how to solve this one, or is the only solution to create a new field face ? What I need is a text field that submits only on pressign the return key, and that always is active (as long as no other field in the same window is active). /PeO REBOL [ Title: "ViewTest" Version: 0.0.3 Author: "PeO" File: %viewtest.r Email: [peoyli--algonet--se] Purpose: {Just to test something} Comment: { Current problem: Clicking anywhere in the window acts like pressing the enter key in the input-field. A commented check to see if the string in the field is empty solves this problem - partial. I do not want any string in the input field to be submitted unless the enter key is pressed. This problem occurs always after submitting the first line, and also as early as just after restarting the program if the input field was not empty when quitting. Without defining the input field with input-field: field #"^M" iboxsize [... the field is deselected every time after enter is pressed. The focus function does not re-enable the field as I hoped it should do. Other problems: Sometimes, the title text in the window, above the text output box disappears when either scrolling in the box or clicking anywhere inside the window. The slider's knob is not correctly sized (I want it to be proportional) The problems exists at least on the Amiga and Solaris versions of View 0.10.38 } ] appname: "ViewTest 0.0.3" code: read system/script/header/file fsize: 11 tboxlines: 20 tboxwidth: 500 tboxsize: to-pair rejoin [tboxwidth "x" tboxlines * fsize] iboxsize: to-pair rejoin [tboxsize/x "x" fsize + 9] fontspec: [ color: 0.255.0 shadow: none name:"helvetica" size: fsize ] main: layout [ backdrop 70.0.100 origin 10x15 at 10x10 title appname at 10x30 text "Type 'source' to fill the box with the source for this program" across space 2 at 10x50 text-face: text tboxsize with [ para/origin/y: 0 text: rejoin ["Welcome to " appname] color: 0.0.0 font: fontspec ] text-scroller: slider with [ size/y: tboxsize/y size/x: 14 ] [ tsize: size-text text-face if tsize/y > text-face/size/y [ newy: text-face/size/y - tsize/y * text-scroller/data text-face/para/origin/y: newy ] show text-face ] below ;space 1 input-field: field #"^M" iboxsize [ ; if not empty? input-field/text [ print join "|" [input-field/text "|"] more-text: input-field/text if input-field/text = "source" [ more-text: code ] text-face/text: insert tail text-face/text join #"^/" more-text input-field/text: copy "" tsize: size-text text-face either tsize/y > text-face/size/y [ text-face/para/origin/y: text-face/size/y - tsize/y text-scroller/data: 1 ] [ text-scroller/data: divide tsize/y text-face/size/y ] show text-scroller show text-face focus input-field ; ] ] ] view/title/offset main appname 500x500