[REBOL] Re: manipulating values in blocks
From: ronaldoff:free at: 28-Nov-2002 12:08
Hello Ladislav,
Thursday, November 28, 2002, 10:35:39 AM, you wrote:
LM> Hi Ronald,
LM> you wrote:
>> Try it with block: [1 17 23 36 49 58 66]
>> and you get
>> ** Script Error: block has no value
>> ** Where: do-boot
>> ** Near: foreach [start end] block [
>> print [start " - " end]
>> ]
LM> , actually not. I get this:
LM> 1 - 17
LM> 23 - 36
LM> 49 - 58
LM> 66 - none
LM> -L
All my apologizes, I don't know how I've got this error...
I just wanted to show that the script did'nt work the same manner as
Anton's : your's give one more start-end segment when block length is
unpair and the biggest difference, script outputs that isn't what
hugues was searching for...
Anton's script Your's
1-17 1 - 17
17-23 23 - 36
23-36 49 - 58
36-49 66 - none
Anyway, this ML is really fantastic and makes learn a lot every day.
Thanks to all of you.
Best regards, ronald