[REBOL] Re: Rebol programs
From: gerardcote:sympatico:ca at: 19-Mar-2002 10:15
>I wish to create (or to see an existing one) a site visible totally
>with Rebol. I think it could demonstrate the power of this system.
>I'm not talking about IOS, but a freeware application, an
>application ".r" not a ".exe" (executable) application like IOS.
If this can be of some help to someone, in my current REBOL learning quest,
I have decided to begin studying the internals of the Vanilla Application
which deserves the Vanilla web site.
As far as I know, this app is written entirely in REBOL (.r) and this is not
a trivial one.
Furthermore this could be the kind of show off you look for : a complete
REBOL driven app. doing its GUI looking face with the help of a browser
instead of its native /VIEW face.
May be you can convert it to do the same with the /VIEW face instead of its
original one. And while you are at it, you could simplify the "snip" writing
and linking process so that it follows up to lesser extent the HTML coding
and tends more to look like the make-doc-pro text creation process (or a
similar wiki Clone process if you prefer).
What do you think about it ? This last point is what I want to do with some
time involved but I don't plan to use the /VIEW face at first. I prefer to
keep the HTML way of doing thing for the moment.
Hope it will be useful for you too to study this app. may be just to get
started and get an idea for what to show off ...