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[REBOL] Re: About Standards and Best Practices

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 1-Sep-2003 17:37

Hi Dj, R> Sorry if it's a dummy question, but I was wondering about saving system R> resources in Rebol. R> What do you suggest as the best practices? R> 1. Always use objects? R> 2. Functions encapsulated in Objects with local vars ? R> 3. use clear and unset to release the vars? R> Or I don't need to create the objects and what I need is just to create the R> functions with local vars to save memory, then clear them.. It's not a dumb question, but I haven't seen too much discussion about it either. The only time really severe resource usage occurs is when you have *lots* of data (e.g. tens of thousands of items in blocks) or when you have a View app that creates a large number of faces dynamically. One of the nice things about REBOL is really *not* worrying about those details most of the time. :) Do you have a specific situation you're dealing with? -- Gregg