[REBOL] [ANN] 3flex
From: chris::langreiter::com at: 7-Jan-2003 22:06
3flex is a prototypical knowledge map editor.
It's a graph editor framework I've been hacking on over Christmas. In
its current state it works, although some of the ideas are just barely
visible (for lack of UI support - have a look in lib/categories,
lib/category-editors and doc/types.txt for an idea ;-).
As this is my first "real" /View application I'd be extremely happy to
get some feedback on coding style and face design by one or two of the
resident /View/Gurus. It would be fantastic to be able to speed things
up a bit (so that e.g. arrow hiding wouldn't be necessary). I've also
noted a few issues - I'd appreciate some help with those very much:
- workspace: arrow drawing - polygons disabled because of /View bug
- workspace: if # of visible nodes > 25, workspace dragging gets slow -
can we speed that up?
- default node editor: when auto-scrolling (wrap?: true), text gets
"scrolled" (?) out of the visible area by 1-3 pixels
- default node editor: sometimes (especially when having pasted in
longer texts) the area widget seems to miss resize events afterwards
-- Chris