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[REBOL] win-offset? screen-offset? bug

From: rotenca:telvia:it at: 22-Mar-2002 14:00

I find these standard functions wrong (beyond they have the same comment): win-offset?: func [ {Given any face, returns its screen absolute offset.} face [object!] /local xy ][ xy: 0x0 while [face] [if face/parent-face [xy: xy + face/offset] face: face/parent-face] xy ] screen-offset?: func [ {Given any face, returns its screen absolute offset.} face [object!] /local xy ][ xy: face/offset while [face/parent-face] [face: face/parent-face xy: xy + face/offset] xy ] The problem is that they do not add the edge size of panels. Are I right? The first is an important function because it is used at every event by system/view/screen-face/feel/event-funcs/1 and by system/view/wake-event The second is used only by system/words/choose. --- Ciao Romano