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[REBOL] Re: read ftp:// error

From: gjones05:mail:orion at: 31-May-2001 14:12

From: <[sterling--rebol--com]>
> The real issue is of localization which is > an issue all to itself and not particularly > related to FTP. However, for the purposes > of patching your FTP scheme and following > the ideas already put forth in this thread, let > me suggest the following change. > > As you have noticed, the problem is that > REBOL is reading the directory before the > download abd is having trouble parsing the > directory information. It does this because > it is trying to find out how large the file is > before download so that it can download > most efficiently... almost all FTP clients do > this in order to display a progress bar.
Makes sense. I simply seem unable to see where this code gets called during the directory/file entry read. It doesn't really matter, of course, it just bugs me. ...
> if seek: find conv month [return first first find seek block!]
... Hey, I didn't know 'find could accept type. Cool! And of course I should have known that REBOL would offer this more generic approach.
> This way you can have as many mappings > from other languages to the result as you want.
Precisely what I was thinking, but my solution would have been both longer and less elegant. You are good at this. Maybe RT will give you a job! ;-)
> If you do compile a list of abbreviations from elsewhere please post > them as we might include this type of solution in the next versions.
No problem. But so far few takers as you can see. Maybe the Subject of the post was poorly named.
> Needless to say, this blowout will be fixed one way or another.
We all new RT would! Thanks for your input, Sterling. --Scott Jones