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[REBOL] RFC: A messaging kernel

From: maarten:koopmans:surfnet:nl at: 31-Dec-2002 8:58

All, I am thinking/playing with the concept of a messaging kernel. What is that? IMO, a messaging kernel would allow you to send a message to another kernel, that dispatches it to the appropiate handler on arrival. So you would do: send-message some-uri [ some-message ] The receiving side would have been initialized with: message-kernel/add-message-type some-type some-handler message-kernel/run ;enter the evnt loop, basicallyy a wait The rest is magic ;-) Now of course there is a lot of features to include: - different transports (TCP, UDP, HTTP) - security - compression - balancing - persistent connections Think of it as the messaging counterpart of Rugby. Are there any things that you want to see included? --TPFKAMK