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[REBOL] Re: Sudoku - Rebol/AGG Style

From: SunandaDH::aol::com at: 20-Oct-2005 17:18

> Would it be possible to find out where its dying?
It's running under Windows 98 I started it up with trace true do and it seems to be in a loop: ============= Trace: [ if not event? evt-func: evt-func face event [ return either evt-func [event] [none] ] ] (block) Trace: if (word) Trace: not (word) Trace: event? (word) Trace: evt-func: (set-word) Trace: evt-func (word) Trace: face (word) Trace: event (word) Trace: if (word) Trace: all (word) Trace: [ system/view/focal-face event/type = 'down not within? event/offset win-offset? system/view/focal-face system/view/focal-face/size system/view/focal-face/dirty? ] (block) Trace: system/view/focal-face (path) Trace: event/type (path) Infix: op (equal?) Trace: 'down (lit-word) Result: none (none) Trace: [ fac: system/view/focal-face unfocus if flag-face? fac on-unfocus [ do-face fac none fac/dirty?: none ] ] (block) Result: none (none) Trace: event (word) Result: (event) Result: true (logic) Result: false (logic) Trace: [ return either evt-func [event] [none] ] (block) Result: none (none) Result: none (none) Trace: event (word) Result: (unset) Trace: empty? (word) Trace: screen-face/pane (path) Result: false (logic) Result: false (logic) Result: false (logic) Trace: wake-event (word) Trace: port (word) Trace: event: (set-word) Trace: pick (word) Trace: port (word) Trace: 1 (integer) Result: (event) Trace: if (word) Trace: none? (word) Trace: event (word) Result: false (logic) Trace: [ if debug [print "Event port awoke, but no event was present."] return false ] (block) Result: none (none) Trace: either (word) Trace: pop-face (word) Trace: [ if in pop-face/feel 'pop-detect [event: pop-face/feel/pop-detect pop-face event] do event found? all [ pop-face <> pick pop-list length? pop-list (pop-face: pick pop-list length? pop-list true) ] ] (block) Trace: [ do event empty? screen-face/pane ] (block) Trace: do (word) Trace: event (word) Trace: foreach (word) Trace: event-funcs (word) Trace: [ if not event? evt-func: evt-func face event [ return either evt-func [event] [none] ] ============= etc Any help? Sunanda