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[REBOL] HTML Obfusticate to hide email addresses

From: Al::Bri::xtra::co::nz at: 24-Apr-2003 18:10

HTML_Obfusticate: func [Plain [string! email!]] [ if not string? Plain [ Plain: to-string Plain ] map Plain function [Char [char!]] [Entity] [ Entity: to-integer Char rejoin [ "&#" any [ if Entity < 10 [ "00" ] if Entity < 100 [ #"0" ] "" ] Entity #";" ] ] ]
>> HTML_Obfusticate "mailto:Al[dot]Bri[at]xtra[dot]co[dot]nz"
== {&#109;&#097;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#058;&#065;&#108;&#046;&#066;&#1 14;&#105;&#064;&#120;&#116;&#114;&#097;&#046;&#099;&#111;&... Just a little something I've recently added to my eText software to automatically hide email addresses from spammers. Here's where I got the method and reasons for: Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169