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[REBOL] Re: event/offset relative to screen-face ?

From: arolls:idatam:au at: 26-Nov-2001 17:05

I want to get the mouse position directly, because... I'll explain. I am clicking in a window and dragging it to move it (with my own code, not using the os-supplied title bar). However the events come too fast for the refresh (perhaps the hardware face movement trick will improve that). Anyway, the event/offset is measured relative to the window, but I am moving the window, and the window hasn't finished updating since the last event, so some event/offsets are incorrect. This results in a window that reacts kind of wildly, like riding a bucking bronco. I was thinking of using a lock-out mechanism while waiting for the window to finish updating, as I used in a realtime resize program, ( but I haven't figured out a way yet. Anyone got any clues? That's not a bad bit of program there, though. :) Anton.