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[REBOL] Re: uppercase

From: brett:codeconscious at: 28-May-2002 14:45

> >> x: "hello" > == "hello" > >> y: uppercase x > == "HELLO" > >> x > == "HELLO" <====<<<< Why is x now uppercase? > > This is really unexpected behavior! Is this a bug?
No it is not a bug. It is actually a nice flexible design. There are two things at work here. (1)-------------- Look at these two lines of code: a-symbol-for-the-string: "The String" also-a-symbol-for-the-same-string: a-symbol-for-the-string The word A-SYMBOL-FOR-THE-STRING is set to the string (reference to the string). The word ALSO-A-SYMBOL-FOR-THE-SAME-STRING is set to the value (after evaluation) of the word A-SYMBOL-FOR-THE-STRING. Since this value is a string (reference to the string), both word refer/set/point to the exact same string. BTW, The same behaviour occurs if instead of a STRING! you used a BLOCK! - it happens for all series types. (2)--------------- UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE, SORT, REVERSE modify the string that they are given. It is *not* that they take a string, process it and return the processed results. Instead, they take a string, modify that string, and return a reference to that *same* string so that possibly another function can use it as an argument. For example:
>> x: "hello"
== "hello"
>> uppercase x
== "HELLO"
>> x
== "HELLO"
>> x: "hello"
== "hello"
>> sort uppercase x
== "EHLLO"
>> x
== "EHLLO" The reference to the string that is returned in some cases is also modified from the original. It is a reference to the same string but it points to a different character in that string. In the case of REVERSE for example, the index position points to the character after the characters that were reversed:
>> x: "hello"
== "hello"
>> y: reverse/part x 3
== "lo"
>> x
== "lehlo"
>> same? x head y
== true Now I said it was a flexible design. The reason is this. Imagine that you have a huge string. x: {An absolutely huge string...} For UPPERCASE to do what you expected it would have to copy the string it was given. So that just doing... uppercase x ...would mean that you would have two huge strings in memory. Do you have enough memory in your computer to complete the task? The designer of these functions decided he could not answer this question so instead leaves the choice to you. If you decide that you must not touch the original string then you should make your own copy of it. Like this
>> x: "hello"
== "hello"
>> y: uppercase copy x
== "HELLO"
>> x
== "hello"
>> y
== "HELLO" I hope that clears it up a bit. Brett.